BLOG !!!
“Real adventure is defined best as a journey from which you may not come back alive, and certainly not as the same person.”
― Yvon Chouinard
Colombia, casi subimos al Nevado del Tolima

Hacía ya tiempo que no pasábamos unas vacaciones en el país de origen de Amparo y decidimos que ésta era una ocasión muy favorable por el cambio a nuestro favor del peso colombiano. Además, teníamos la ilusión de ascender a alguno de los nevados que en otros viajes habíamos vislumbrado a lo lejos en el […]
Hiking in Colombia was fun! from Canada

The region itself is spell-binding in its beauty, and hiking through Los Nevados is a great way to experience all of the varied ecosystems. Mind you, the jeep that picked us up at the end was another great way to see it all, as we spiralled up and down the gravel road back into Santa […]
New Velez jacket from PARAMO

What I got to say about the new design of the New Velez Jacket? Well certainly this is something that Paramo has been doing since a certain sort time with new outcomes on jackets, like the Ciclo jacket, and the Enduro. From my personal experience I have to say that the New Velez is better than […]